Info page for

Current On-Going Clients

[This service is not available to new clients at this time.]

Starting in 2022, ongoing support + coaching will evolve. Previously, we worked on the day-to-day work of keeping your business going … sometimes with an eye toward thriving.

This Fall, we’ll switch those. So that the focus is on thriving first, then the day-to-day business tasks second.

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♥ Thriving Defined ♥

Living your values and feeling purpose - in your work and life

Having a job that fits you like a glove, with nearly ideal working conditions - schedule, clients, the proper tools, all in your style

Knowing just what you need and want + earning enough money to fund this vision

Freedom and agency to move and pivot, to dance around roadblocks and make new dreams and desires come true

Feeling satisfaction, pleasure, joy … and like you are the luckiest person, with the best boss, and wonderful life

In summary
Purpose + ideal working conditions + enough $

Standard Session / 90-ish minutes
Cost $300 per session

1 x every 4 or 6 weeks


Extended Session / 2-ish hours
Cost $400 per session

1 x every 4, 6, or 8 weeks

projects we work on … as part of thriving

This will depend on you. We’ll start by defining thriving for you, then draw the pathway, look for roadblocks that need removing, and steps to take toward your vision.

Much of this work will fall into these categories:

Taming Your Current job + Business model (Great Boss Skills!)
Refining work hours, rates, policies, more time off, needed tools, environment

Remodeling your Business Model to Love it Even More!
OR Starting a 2nd Business

Adding new services or products, editing current offerings, maybe a rebrand OR Launch a new business, trim back the existing, balancing the two

Calling in Ideal Clients
Identifying, finding + connecting with them, phasing out non-ideal

A new Passion Project and/or Passive Income
Writing a book, downloadable content, new products, printable-s, videos, artwork, music, etc.

A Personal Life Dream
Living / working abroad, funding a project (kid in college, remodel on home), support a hobby, support a cause

Comfort with Money and/or Earning More
Reframe money stories, identify the cost of your thriving life (paycheck needs), custom strategies for you to cultivate and grow your money garden